Install Nutanix CE (Community Edition)

You probably already heard of Nutanix CE.
I like having some playgrounds to play arround. Just some kind of test environment at home with no strings, nor responsibilities attached.
There are two possibilities for a more or less professional test environment at home:

For both websites you will need an account -can be created free of any charge- before being able to download.

In this article, I’m obviously gonna focus on Nutanix CE. Before starting to write this article I booted my good old Dell PowerEdge R610 which I didn’t boot in ages. I knew there was some old version of Nutanix still installed on it but wanted to start from scratch.
The official procedure of installing Nutanix CE can be found on:
At moment of writing, the best way of installing Nutanix CE is unfortunately still imaging a USB stick.
Therefore I downloaded file ce-2017.07.20-stable.img.gz from their website.
I am not a big fan of this installation process. You have to image your device which is not really user friendly.
Once you downloaded the file, unzip it and image your device.
Personally I plugged a USB stick into a Linux machine and did:

  • gunzip ce-2017.07.20-stable.img.gz
  • dd if=ce-2017.07.20-stable.img of=/dev/sdX

Great, now your USB stick is ready for use.

Nutanix is a hypervisor… Check in the BIOS if VT-x has been enabled.
Also make sure your drives are in Non-RAID mode.
In case you run on older hardware (for example: a Dell PowerEdge R610…) and the installation process is not detecting any compatible disks, you can create virtual disks in RAID-0 mode. Not ideal, but it works.

Dell PowerEdge RAID configuration

  1. Boot into Boot Manager and select your USB drive to boot
  2. Do nothing or select the first option to boot

  3. At the next login prompt, type install and hit enter.

    Nutanix CE installation login screen

  4. Select you keyboard, select Proceed and hit enter.

  5. Enter the IP addresses for both the host and the controller.
    The host is your actual hypervisor host. The controller is a virtual machine running on the host. Both need their own fixed IP addresses.
    In the example below I statically assign the IP addresses on my DHCP server.
    Thick the checkbox at “Create single-node cluster?”
    Go to the EULA, hold the page down button, thick the accept box and move to start. Hit enter to start the installation.

    Nutanix CE installation screen step 2

  6. You will see some screens like this

    Nutanix CE installation screen step 4
    Note: the waiting may take some time

  7. The IP address of the CVM, which is the controller btw, is shown on the screen when you’ve hit enter.
    Open a browser and go to https://the-IP-address-of-the-CVM:9440
    The default username and password of Nutanix CE is admin/admin
  8. Nutanix CE will now prompt you to enter the credentials of you Nutanix NEXT account. After entering your credentials, you’ll see the management screen.

  9. That’s it for the installation.

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